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By now an indelible appointment on the Asti autumn agenda, the event draws inspiration from the name from the ancient and very traditional practice of harvesting late bunches, called Rapulin 'd San Martin in the local dialect.

On the third weekend of October, after the labors of the harvest for many companies, when the climate cools and the countryside is tinged with the warm and vivid colors of autumn, the village of Calosso comes alive with its food and wine journey that allows all to delight the palate with a vast assortment of typical dishes of the local cuisine accompanied by the excellent DOC and DOCG wines of the 25 producers who are part of the Crota 'd Calos Association.

The magnificent atmosphere of the crotin, ancient cellars dug into the tuff that lie under most of the houses in the historic center, frames the tastings; they guide visitors through an evocative itinerary that winds its way through the subsoil of the Calossian village.

For the entire duration of the fair, the streets and squares of the historic center are enlivened by figures, street artists, storytellers and, on Sundays, by a colorful and varied zero-kilometer market, on whose stalls various products belonging to the short supply chain are displayed. .

Rapulé is undoubtedly a fair that has seen its importance and popularity grow beyond the confines of the small village community, an event that is certainly impossible without the fundamental contribution of many Calossians who, year after year, put their commitment into the field, working with enthusiasm, paying attention to the smallest detail and constituting the force capable of pushing this event towards increasingly important goals

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